Posts by zestsms
How to Pick the Right Demolition Contractor for Your Project
Demolition projects are no small undertaking, and it’s important that you are selecting the right crew for the job. There can be many factors to consider before settling on a demolition contractor. Here, the experts at Gray & Son point out what to look for as well as things that set great demolition contractors apart. …
Read MoreQuality Assurance in Paving: How to Pick the Best Asphalt for Your Project
Choosing the best asphalt for your project can be a challenging task, especially since it can become quite expensive, quite quickly. When it comes to making any large purchase, you want to be sure that you are getting exactly what you paid for. This is why quality assurance is so important when it comes to…
Read MorePaving the Way: The Benefits of a Career in Asphalt
It’s no secret that the construction industry is growing at an exponential rate. After a 1.9% shrink following the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, the U.S. construction industry is forecasted to grow more than 6% annually in 2021 and 2022. In November of 2021, the construction industry employed over 7,533,000 individuals. ?? This growth…
Read MoreFalls and Slips and Burns, Oh My! The 4 Most Common Construction Site Injuries and How to Prevent Them
At Gray & Son, safety is a top priority on every job site. We strive to create a safe work environment for both our team members as well as those impacted by our work. Working in construction naturally comes with its risks, and OSHA has found that there are four types of construction site injuries…
Read MoreCommunication and Construction: Tips for Clear Communication on the Job Site
While communication is essential in every industry, it is especially important in construction. Miscommunications are much more dangerous on a job site than they are in a boardroom or behind a desk. Here, our team explains why communication is so imperative and provides tips on how to make sure that everyone gets on the same…
Read MoreSoil Stabilization: What it is and Why it Matters
When building structures such as roads, buildings, or parking lots, you want it to be sturdy from the ground up. That’s where soil stabilization comes into play. Soil stabilization allows for the physical properties of the soil currently on a job site to be transformed to provide a stronger foundation for a project. This process…
Read MoreHow to Choose the Right Construction Team for Your Next Project
When it comes to beginning your next construction project, it is important to know that you have the right team for the job. You want to find a team of dedicated and talented professionals whom you can trust to complete the job efficiently and up to your satisfaction. In order to ensure that you have…
Read More#TheGrayWay: Keeping Workers Safe During Excavation and Trenching Projects
The goal of every construction project is safety. However, trenching and excavation is one of the most hazardous elements of a construction project. Without the proper planning or safety equipment, a cave-in in a trench can prove to be fatal. At Gray & Son, we know it’s important to follow proper safety protocols when working…
Read MoreBuilding a Career: How You Can Find Stability & Success in Construction
As the interest for a career in construction seems to be declining, there comes an important need to address the problem of recruiting new employees in younger generations. The problem, however, does not lie with the quality of these jobs or the construction industry itself, but more so with how these roles are perceived…
Read More2021 Construction Trends to Watch
The construction industry has experienced significant changes in the past year, and is expected to continue to grow and change throughout 2021. The qualified team at Gray & Son works to stay ahead of emerging construction trends to make sure our clients get the absolute best services in the industry. From new and emerging technologies…
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